Wednesday, February 27, 2013

6 months actual

Tomorrow Oliver turns 6 months old.  To celebrate Nathaniel's 6 month, we started letting him play with food, banana and avocado.  For Oliver's... nothing is changing.  Sorry buddy.  Oliver currently weighs 11 lbs and 11 oz.  And this outfit... is 0-3 months!  We've moved out of newborn size.  Thankfully my sister loaded us up on snap front 0-3 outfits, because we used almost exclusively zip front on Nathaniel.  We have more than enough now, and I'm hoping by the time he hits 6 months clothes he'll be off the monitors.

Oliver's ROP surgery got cancelled at the last minute last week.  It's currently rescheduled for March 8.  We're still assuming it'll just be one night in the hospital.  The actual surgery really doesn't require any recovery as it's all done by laser, but he'll need to be closely monitored coming off of the ventilator. 

It's still a huge struggle to get Oliver to eat.  We fight with it all day, trying to get him to take just 10 more mls after he refuses the bottle, and then at night we catch him up via the feeding tube.  We were really hoping he'd be off of it by now.  I'm surprised his pediatrician hasn't pushed for a permanent g-tube.

Oliver is smiling a lot more, and talking to us. Hi Oliver He just stares at Nathaniel when he's around.  After Nathaniel being home three straight days, Oliver did almost nothing but sleep Tuesday.  I'm sure he was thinking, "ahhhh, peace and quiet!"

We finally got a real substantial snow fall out here, and David's office was closed on Monday due to it.  Nathaniel loves the snow, or "noes" as he calls it.  Nathaniel's snow day  He loves playing outside in it, and had a major meltdown when we made him come inside, even though his poor little hands were just blocks of ice.

David has put in his vacation time for April, so we're in the process of planning our trip home.  We should be home April 18-28, and I can't wait. 

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